Monday, March 26, 2012

I heart Flonase......

So sick, been sick, worked sick for 3 whole 12 hour shifts at the hospital. But today was my breaking point. I went to the dreaded doctor. I put my big girl panties on and got a shot and oral antibiotics and Flonase. Never have I used this stuff all the times I've been attacked by allergies no one has prescribed this stuff. And now I can breathe!!!! I can't be coughing and sleeping thru the hunger games tomorrow. I mean come on I think I'm the only one on the planet who hasn't seen it. I gobbled the books up in like a week. I AM ADDICTED! I mean check Out my new bracelet from the Forks Forest on Etsy(o and it actually came from forks btw) So here I am on the couch praying I'm better for tomorrow. Hope everyone is well. And don't forget may the odds be ever in your favor

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The McClendon Mini Farm

Henny Penny as I call her! Kung fu Panda as Annalea calls her!

Annalea turns 3!!!!!

Last Sunday the most spirited member of our family turned 3! Annalea and I spent countless hours on the computer looking at party ideas trying to decide on what we wanted to do. At first it was a Lalaloopsy party she wanted,because here at our house we are obsessed with Angry Birds and Lala's as of present, lol. But that quickly fell thru the cracks when momma might have changed little Annalea's  mind with fabulous mermaid party pics and ideas lol.Hey I knew that I would be putting in all the work for this party and the pictures on Pinterest were just calling my name. So everyone gathered at Mom and Dads house Sunday for cakes and fishy snacks. We are just thankful to be able to have it there because almost a year ago they lost all in Alabama's April Tornadoes.(In April I hope to do a tribute post on that day) So here are the pictures of the chaos and fun. Hope you enjoy!

Me and the sweet (sometimes,lol) birthday girl

Gotta love her! And I love the shirt one of the moms from Treys preschool did it for me.

My bell pepper sea monster. Gotta love Pinterest!

Guppye Pizza

The delish cream cheese cake

Nana and Annalea

The 3 cuz'. Trey, Sadie,and Annalea

now this picture is spot on (notice the scenery in the background is still tornado ravished)

Cutie Trey, whom was tremendously upset at the no presents for him situation

Picture per Trey

Trey snapped this pic and I love it! I may have a future little photog on my hands

Me and the hubs. Had to document this pic because they are so far and few between I get him to take one with me

Hope you got some fabulous ideas. I worked super long and hard on this party. Hope to do the same for Treys this summer. We are thinking camp out but here in the south summers can be about unbearable. But pool party's work out well. Thanks for stopping by. God bless yall!

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